A bit about this and that...

What is a Digital Edition?

Digital images can be printed on a wide variety of surfaces and in a wide variety of sizes.

A Digital Edition let’s the artist limit the number of copies produced in manner similar to traditional editions of prints on paper. The artist will state how many copies of an image will be produced. The artist will sign their name (or their initials) on either the front or the back of the artwork followed by two numbers. The first number is where this physical work falls in the edition. The second number is the total number of copies in the edition.

An Open Edition is an edition where the artists is not limiting the number of copies.

Another special case is an edition of one (1 of 1). This is a unique printing of a digital image.

A digital edition has potentially one large difference between the traditional printmakers edition; each print in the edition may be created at a different size or even printed on a different material. The digital prints within the edition may not even be printed at the same time, allow the artist to work with their patrons to print the image at the size and on the material of their patrons choosing.